How to make a zoom wedding work.
Weddings since 2020, look a little different. We have had to embrace technology and virtual guests are now a very important part of the celebrations.Certainly here in Victoria, the rules and regulations have changed a lot over the last 12 months. First there was a cap on guest numbers. Then weddings with Masks..... Weddings with only 2 witnesses...... No weddings. It was hard to keep up.All these changes have forced forced many couples to think about weddings and what their day looks like, a little differently.Aoife and Ronan were forced to changed their plans from a winter wedding in Ireland to a summer wedding in Australia. And although their friends and family couldn't physically be there, you can see from the smile on their faces that their on-line guests were very much a part of the celebrations,Friends and family from Ireland and all around the world, gathered with a drink in hand, to toast the happy couple and watch this special occasion. Many couples have also had to forego their dream wedding. For this couple, coronavirus put an end to their wedding in Bali. However, an intimate beach wedding on Ventnor Beach on Philip Island, with their parents watching via zoom, was a pretty good alternative.
Bec & James had to deal with the rollercoaster of organising and trying to plan to get married during the pandemic. But not even border closures could stop their special guests from being involved. This is the moment, the Bec's aunty delivered her beautiful reading and although it wasn't ideal that she couldn't be there, we made it work.
How to make a zoom wedding work
For a zoom wedding to work, there are some things that you need to think about beforehand:If setting up a wedding for guests to attend on zoom, ensure that the PA system is as close to the camera to capture the sound properly. Even if there are only a few guests physically attending, a microphone will ensure that those guests attending virtually, can hear as well as possible.Make sure that you have a pro zoom account - otherwise the "meeting" will end after 40 mins.If organising for your wedding to be streamed by zoom, nominate someone who can take care of any technical issues. The one thing about technology is that it can be temperamental which can be stressful. Nominate someone outside of your family, who can deal with any technical issues. It is important to allow parents and close family members to be present in the ceremony. It's a pretty momentous moment for them too. Nominating someone outside of your family, will allow them to be present without any stress.Should you wish to avoid the stress, there are many professional companies who now provide a professional live streaming service for weddings. Once such company is Turbo productions . Live-streaming companies are well worth the investment. They have the technology and equipment to ensure attending a zoom wedding is an enjoyable one for all your guests.
Fiona Garrivan celebrant